I can't believe it's already the 5th month of 2009! So much has happened in that short amount of time that I have to catch my breath. Last weekend I had a garage sale and did pretty well. We sold movies, collectibles, books, purses and clothing. I have three tubs of clothing left but I think another garage sale may take care of that.
This weekend is BBQ Festival weekend and a friend of mine who I haven't seen in ten year will be here! He's guest vocals for a band, to which the name eludes me, and I hope to have a nice visit with him. He was in the band at Campbellsville University. During these ten years he has played for different venues all over the country and has had a successful wrestling career. Now he's back at C'ville trying to earn his bachelors in music and then venture on to FSU to get his masters. Talking to him last night on the phone brought up alot of memories.
Sunday, May 10, is special for two reasons. For more obvious reason it is Mother's Day. I salute each mother for their hard work, love and dedication to their children. My mom is my hero. She is smart, funny, is strong in her faith and was a great role model for me. She was diganosed in her early 30's with multiple sclerosis. I can't imagine how she must have felt trying to understand why she was sick and trying to raise my brother and me. But MS hasn't stopped her. She lives a very active life and sells Avon. If you need an Avon representative, just let me know!
May 10 is also my dad's birthday. He will be the big 60! I don't think of my dad as his age. I'm a daddy's girl, so to me he is timeless. My dad is a leader at my home church and is a member of our local American Legion. He served two years in the Marines in the 1970's. Dad was also the one who would make sure I went to bed and said my prayers. He also taught my brother and I how to play basketball.
May 17 is my Papaw's, Walter Lile, birthday. He would have been 96 years old. He grew up in Bullitt County, KY and had only an 8th grade education. He was a plumber who worked for Ft. Knox and when he was a teenager he worked on a turkey farm and til the day he died would not eat turkey. You can imagine how strange it was having ham at Thanksgiving. His favorite hymn was How Great Thou Art and he had beautiful white hair. I loved to talk to him on the phone and send him cards for every occasion. When I go home to my parents and see his house empty it makes me very sad. This time of year Papaw would have had his garden planted and his flowers would've been blooming. He could also pray very beautifully.
I've been very blessed to have such a wonderful family. Although it seems the time is going by so very fast, take a minute to think of the people you love by honoring them with your memories. I miss you, Papaw.