Thursday, April 9, 2009

Librarianship and 2.0: Can one help the other?

Michael Stephens brings valid points in his article "Into a New World of Librarianship." I love his first line, that the library is human and because of that the library becomes an emotional and social learning experience. He wants librarians to become the best 2.0 librarians we can be. Librarians need to take the lead in the technology field and understand what trends are, how trends will work in the library world, and how to guide users to using them in their maximum potential. Here are some helpful hints:

1. Librarians 2.0 plans for their users.
We become user focused and base our services and materials for the users needs and wants. We make the user involved as much as possible so that the library can become a transparent entity.

2. Librarians 2.0 embrace Web 2.0 tools.
"This librarian uses Instant Messaging to meet users in their space online, builds Weblogs and wikis as resources to further the mission of the library, and mashes up content via API (Application Program Interface) to build useful Web sites." We go where the user are--Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.

3. Librarian 2.0 controls technolust.
We buy technology with a purpose because the library nurtures a technology plan.

4. Librarian 2.0 makes good and also fast decisions.
The world, along with its library users, change with technology. The librarian uses his/her resources to plan and adapt the technology that is available to them to meet the needs of the users. Librarians have meeting and discussions to understand how this will benefit their customers.

5. Librarian 2.0 is a trendspotter.
The librarian watches for new trends and programs that will take the library to the next level in technology but also follow a technology plan that suits the library's mission. Librarians should look outside of the profession to see how technology impacts other businesses.

6. Librarian 2.0 gets content.
Users are going to help define the direction the library will head because they create the content. Librarians are going to help them find the content they are looking for.

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