Wednesday, March 11, 2009

RSS Feed

RSS Feed
To emphasize what's already been said in a few blogs, I had a class on RSS feed back in the fall and didn't quite grasp how it all worked. It just seemed like magic to me and I was satisfied with that explanation. But now that I have subscribed to some RSS feeds and they come straight to the Google Reader, it's very nice to open Google Reader when I check my email and see who has written a new post. I did not want to start a Bloglines account because it would have been another account I would have to keep up with. So in Google Reader I did a search for history blogs or blogs about Kentucky and subscribed to American History and My Old Kentucky Blog, which is a music blog. I like this one personally because my cousin writes it and he review indy bands. The blog that I wanted to subscribe to but was a Bloglines groupie was one called Pajamadeen is "fighting the good fight in our jammies." It has great news updates and talks about historical items such as the women's hsitory museum in Bardstown, KY and Lincoln's birthday. I highly recommend this blog. As for using these blogs, I can see that I would use it both personally and professionally, but I like to post to the wiki for work.

1 comment:

  1. You sure are keeping up to date with everything. Thanks for being so on the ball.


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